This course is designed for proactive police officers looking to expand their knowledge of criminal interdiction. The instructor has developed a program for both rookie and seasoned officers to better understand how Drug Trafficking Organizations (DTOs) operate and how to position themselves for success during a traffic stop. Officers will learn how to take a disciplined approach to locating, identifying, and seizing narcotics, illicit currency, and other contraband. The course will explain the legal process of identifying vehicles engaged in criminal activity, recognizing criminal behavior, conducting effective vehicle searches during a traffic stop, and identifying advanced concealment methods used by DTOs.
Instructor Konopka will discuss how to conduct interdiction efforts on our nation's interstates, highways, and country roads. Students will learn to articulate reasonable suspicion and probable cause based on the totality of the circumstances surrounding a traffic stop. They will also learn how to build a criminal interdiction case from start to finish by recognizing reactions to police presence, identifying deceptive behavior, understanding the life of a mule, asking for consent during a traffic stop, and more. The course will also cover free tools that proactive cops should use to build their case, how to articulate observations made during a traffic stop, and how to further the investigation beyond the initial stop.
Brownsburg Police Department
75 Whittington Dr,
Brownsburg, IN 46112
0900-1600 hrs
Georgetown Police Department (TCOLE Eligible)
3500 D B Wood Dr.
Georgetown, TX, 78628
0900-1600 hrs
Texas City Police Department (TCOLE Eligible)
1004 9th Avenue North
Texas City, Tx 77590
0900-1600 hrs
Northwest Shoals Community College Gym
800 George Wallace Blvd,
Muscle Shoals, AL1004 9th Avenue North
0900-1600 hrs
Hoover Police Department
850 Municipal Drive
Hoover, Al 35216
0900-1600 hrs
Contact -
Accounting Dept. PO Box 9685 Tyler, TX 75701